be consistently growing in the midst of life's changes,
charges and challenges,
we must constantly check
with ourselves:
"am I committed to feeling good, or
am I committed to growing?"
Then remember, growth
does not always feel good,
and feeling good does not
always provide growth.
There must always be a
balanced conscious coordination between
sensations of your emotional and physical worlds,
and the sensibilities of your evolutionary progress
through this world.
The physical and emotional
bodies speak in a temporal language of selfishness . . .
a drive to comfort and pleasure . . . a primitive
means of survival.
This is not a bad thing, if it is
not the only thing,
but it should never be more than
one third of your life's focus.
The mind's conscious
expansion and your spiritual fulfillment
are to make
up the other two thirds.
A baby is completely
body centric, but as we grow, we are supposed to balance
this out.
Are you growing? There is an old saying in
yoga about this:
"Everybody grows old, but very few
grow up."
Without releasing the shackles of this
body centric need —
which honors feelings over
growth — you will be forever dancing to the
uncommitted beat that progresses only part way
toward your goals.
We call this the "halfway-dance"
and it takes place in the
"comfort lounge" on the
"first floor" of your "halfway house."
It is in
fact, a sub-primitive human nature — it arrived with the
conceptual mind
around one hundred thousand years
ago and has been developing ever since.
engaging the primitive drive to survive, or the exalted
drive to grow, commitment cannot be engaged and the pain
from lacking fulfillment becomes life's entire focus.
Everything 'halfway' becomes the theme . . . the
perfected obsessions of life.
Civilization supports
this theme in order to maintain the illusion of
'concept replacing experience'. it is why today's
youth are into extremes
(sports, clothes, tattoos,
piercing, video games, etc.);
they are in search of
experience in a world obsessed and driven by image and
The halfway dance has been mastered and
marketed over the centuries.
It dances for all who
will pay attention and anyone who will pay the
Life has become about earning a living,
rather than living and experiencing the life already
Image has become more important than
connection and with this —concept out-plays content.
The halfway "market" fills with participants who are
making a killer living on this halfway dance, but never
really living [as alive, ecstatic and conscious beings].
Fear has become the feeling of guidance because
separation always requires feeling.
This "safe-zone"
has become the most dangerous place to live . . .
especially if you die in it.
It is time to turn
over the leaf . . . live in the risk of total
It is not about the mirror's reflection
being right (the image);
it is about the projection
being you (the reality).
Make it your routine on a
daily basis —
look into a mirror and challenge
yourself to be YOU and nothing less.
Smile and be
vocal in this exercise.
This may start out very
serious, but it will soon turn joyful.
You will find
yourself in front of your SELF, standing at the mirror
on the edge of each morning, grateful for a relationship
that has become extremely REAL . . .
from one that
was assumed and granted.
Then take this real-time
relationship out into the field of the life you are
living . . .
into the risk of commitment . . .
reproduce it with enthusiasm for the greatest
possibilities of your life.
has now gone direct - Time to build